Representation of Owners in Eminent Domain Cases
Represent various property owners of significant, even landmark, properties in Beverly Hills, Century City, Santa Monica and along Wilshire Boulevard in eminent domain matters brought to acquire property for Metro Rail stations and tunnels. Other representations include counsel to property and business owners in eminent domain cases throughout the state, and in other jurisdictions as well. Successfully tried and settled numerous such cases, with verdicts and settlements totaling over $250 million in excess of the condemning agencies’ appraisals.
Representation of Owners in Inverse Condemnation Cases
Represent property and business owners in inverse condemnation cases, some of which involve land use restrictions, including the down-zoning of private property as open space, and some of which involve direct government possession, including contamination caused by a crash landing of a Navy refueling plane on the client’s property.
Also represented the owners of the historic El Capitan Theatre in inverse condemnation case (Cuna Mutual v. Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (2003) 108 Cal.App. 4th 382), the owners and operators of the famous Wiltern Theatre, and other landmark properties.
Trial and Litigation Counsel to National Law Firms
Obtained defense verdicts in trials where national law firms were accused of committing legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duties.
Real Estate Litigation
Handled a wide variety of real property cases involving significant leases, options and rights of first refusal, easements, adverse possession, partitions, claimed broker negligence, as well as rent resets in long term leases.