Practice Areas

Professional Liability Defense


With decades of experience defending professionals in claims of negligence, malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty and fraud, we have a deep understanding of what’s at stake for our clients.

A major source of strength for clients is our long record of trial victories in professional liability lawsuits, including the award of attorneys’ fees and costs. We have persuaded juries and judges on behalf of the professionals we represent—and had those judgments upheld on appeal.

We regularly represent large law firms in defending claims for legal malpractice, malicious prosecution and other allegations. Law firms value our innate grasp of key issues and winning defenses when they have been wrongly accused. Proud to have earned the respect of our colleagues as lawyers’ lawyers, we represent a range of California law firms, which adds insights into how we counter claims of breach of fiduciary duty, fraud and other wrongdoing.

In addition to defending legal professionals and law firms, our clients also include real estate brokers, accountants, architects, engineers and other professionals.
  • Achieved summary judgment in a legal malpractice, breach of fiduciary duty, and breach of contract lawsuit filed against large California law firm. Successfully defeated plaintiffs’ motion for reconsideration of summary judgment order, and had judgment affirmed on appeal to the California Court of Appeal. Obtained a post-judgment award of costs in trial court action and costs incurred on appeal. 
  • Prevailed at trial in a legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty action against our client, a large law firm, which was accused of expropriating client’s intellectual property and business plans. 
  • Prevailed at trial in legal malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty action against our client, a large law firm, which was accused of failing to competently try the underlying business trial. 
  • Obtained defense judgment in a trial for major law firm faced with claim that firm had improperly paid several millions of dollars in client trust funds to an unauthorized recipient. 
  • Attained a defense verdict for major law firm on malpractice and breach of fiduciary duty claims arising out of underlying dispute in joint ownership of substantial industrial buildings. 
  • Represented large law firm in suit alleging legal malpractice and related claims. Plaintiff clothing manufacturer alleged that law firm’s negligence in handling a lawsuit brought by its fabric suppliers led to a disastrous result which ultimately put the company out of business. Was part of team that obtained defense verdict in arbitration that included the recovery of attorney’s fees. 
  • Prevailed at trial in a fraud claim brought against our client, a real estate broker, which was accused of failing to disclose a threat that the subject property might be condemned by a redevelopment agency. Have achieved other successful defenses, at trial, of brokers accused of failing to investigate and disclose various defects in property. 

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